A Zero-Waste and Healthy Lunch Box and Snack… A Winning Combo!
Here is an exciting project that was launched by the NWRSC Solid Waste Service in 2012, thanks to the financial assistance injected by the New Brunswick Environmental Trust Fund and the Ministry of Healthy and Inclusive Communities. This project is carried out in partnership with the District scolaire francophone du Nord-Ouest and Vitalité Health Network’s Public Health Office in the Northwest Zone.
The project consists of raising primary students’ awareness on the importance of preparing a zero-waste and healthy lunch box and snack everyday.
Kindergarten Classes (Special project from 2012 to 2014)
A member of the NWRSC team went into the kindergarten class and presented an animated workshop on how to build a zero-waste lunch box. At the end of the presentation, different items were distributed to each student. The items were: a reusable bottle, a 4-container Eco Pack and a fridge magnet (reminder tips for a zero-waste and healthy lunch box and snack).
If you are a primary school teacher (kindergarten to grade 5), please contact us to obtain this free workshop in your classroom.
Primary Schools
In this section of the program, a group of students attended a workshop on the subject and had a mission afterwards: Sensitize the other students in their school so that more people start building zero-waste and healthy lunch boxes and snacks.
These young leaders were invited to use a giant unfoldable banner while presenting to their peers. The NWRSC gave each school in the northwest this giant retractable banner.
- Click here to view the banner.
- Click here to start preparing your own zero-waste and healthy lunch and snack today. Hang it on your fridge!
(506) 263-3470 or 1-800-561-0456
Save money!
We have made an approximate calculation of the cost of an zero-waste lunch box and of a non-ecological lunch box (several wastes). Here is what we found:
- Contents of an ecological lunch box ≈ $3.54
- Contents of a non-ecological lunch box ≈ $6.05
- Difference of $2.51
You save at least $500 when preparing every day a zero-waste lunch box, and this, during the whole school year!
In preparing zero-waste lunches and snacks, you save money and prevent the growth of waste heaps.
In preparing healthy lunches and snacks, you allow your body to grow better and your brain to learn well.