There are many activities linked to the environment in the schools of northwestern New Brunswick!
Environment issues do not concern Environment Committees only, but concern everyone. Students, teaching staff, janitors, cooks, parents, uncles, aunts, grandparents and many more!
Environment should be at the core of every decision, every daily choice and action taken.
The planet will be in better shape and so will we!
Here are a few photos of Environment Committees in different schools in action.
Even if we very well know that committees work on several issues relating to environment, the NWRSC Solid Waste Service, by its mandate, concentrates here on recycling, composting, and waste reduction.
Note to teaching staff: If you wish to add a photo of your school’s Environment Committee, make sure to obtain the authorization of parents of children included in the photos. Thank you!
Élémentaire Sacré-Cœur

École Régionale Saint-André

École Mgr-Matthieu-Mazerolle

École Saint-Joseph

École Mgr-Martin

École Notre-Dame

École Grande-Rivière

Polyvalente A.-J.-Savoie

Polyvalente Thomas-Albert

Students Points of Views!
Here are some points of views of students that are members of an Environment Committee…
Here is the question they had to answer:
What is the advantage of being part of my school’s Environment Committee and what have I learned from this experience?
- It gives me a sense of belonging in my community. I am proud to do something for the planet. I have learned that we must sensitize everyone and that it starts with myself. I have learned that my environmental actions can even help out someone with a handicap (Mira Foundation). (Student from École communautaire Saint-Joseph)
- That protecting our planet is not the responsibility of one person but of many. We had several workshops with the NWRSC Solid Waste Service and they are very interesting. (Student from École Mgr-Matthieu-Mazerolle)
- I can now grow flowers myself. (Student from École Régionale Saint-André)
- I have learned that when a blue bin is full of paper, 15 trees have been saved. (Student from École Notre-Dame)
- We must pay more attention to the environment… Before I paid less attention, but today I do and I try to transmit this to people around me. (Student from École Mgr-Martin)
- It motivates me and others to collect wastes and to recycle. (Student from École Élémentaire Sacré-Cœur)
- That to have a beautiful planet, there must be people that make sure it is respected…(Student from École Grande-Rivière)
- I am less fearful of insects now. (Student from École Notre-Dame)
- In being more aware, it is easier to educate people around me and my actions are different and more responsible. (Student from Polyvalente A.-J.-Savoie)
- It gives me the opportunity to try things that would not be possible to try at home. (Student from Polyvalente Thomas-Albert)
- The advantage of being part of my school’s Environment Committee is that we can do small actions that benefit the school and the community. Also, we learn about what other schools do and we can apply that to our school. The things I have learned in the preceding year are that there are some actions that we can change and others that we can not. Also, it may take a lot of time to accomplish a project, but we must not give up. (Student from Cité des Jeunes)